
Invisalign For a long time orthodontists and patients wish to fix the teeth invisible. With a coming method from the U.S. has created that possibility, without brackets adult orthodontic treatment.

A series of nearly invisible highly elastic band moves teeth gently in the desired position. High modern three-dimensional computer analyzes are used in orthodontics.

The Patient receives 12-48 clear thermoform, which must be changed in certain distances, and it depends the degree of difficulty.

unsichtbare zahnspange von invisalign

Alternatively to the Invisalign method, we use in our practice an equivalent therapy method.



Assoc. Prof. (TR) Dr. med. dent Köklü:
Bahnhofstraße 28
58332 Schwelm
Telefon: 02 33 6 / 8 13 13
Telefax: 02 33 6 / 8 14 65